Dive Into JavaScript


What's is JavaScript ?

var obj = new Object
obj.property1 = 1
obj.property2 = function(){

What is JavaScript ?

highlight: ECMAScript 1st + 2nd edition at Oct. 1998, 3rd edition at Nov. 2000.

ECMAScript History

wiki address: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript

JavaScript/ECMAScript Version Mapping

wiki address: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript

JavaScript Objects

In JavaScript, almost everything is an object. All primitive types except null and undefined are treated as objects. They can be assigned properties (assigned properties of some types are not persistent), and they have all characteristics of objects.

JavaScript Objects


Every function in JavaScript is actually a Function object.

// synax
new Function ([arg1[, arg2[, ... argN]],] functionBody)
// example
var myFunc = new Function(['a'], 'this.inner = a;');

Important Property

prototype property allows the extension of all Function objects. And every function object have the property.

myFunc.prototype.hello = function(text){
    console.log('Hi,' + text);

JavaScript Objects


A instance of Function used to creates an object wrapper for the given value. If the value is null or undefined, it will create and return an empty object, otherwise, it will return an object of a type that corresponds to the given value.

new Object(value)
// example
var bool = new Object(true);
var num = new Object(1);
var string = Object('string');

prototype property allows the extension of all objects.

How To Create A Object

Prototype-based JavaScript


constructor property is the function object to create the object's prototype(__proto__). All objects inherit a constructor property from their prototype.

// Build-In Class
var obj = new Object;
obj.hasOwnProperty('constructor'); // false
obj.constructor; // function Object() { [native code] }
// Custom Class
function MyClass(){}
var myObj = new MyClass;
myObj.hasOwnProperty('constructor'); // false
myObj.constructor; // function MyClass(){}

// Function.constructor
Function.hasOwnProperty('constructor'); // false
Function.prototype.constructor === Function; // true

Prototype-based JavaScript


Every instances inherit from it's prototype. And the prototype property defined in the object's constructor. In another word, every function object have prototype property.

function MyClass(){}
MyClass.prototype; // { constructor : MyClass, __proto__ : Object.prototype }
MyClass.hasOwnProperty('prototype'); // true
MyClass.prototype.hello = function(){};

var myObj = new MyClass();
myObj.constructor === MyClass; // true
myObj.hello // function(){};

Prototype-based JavaScript

__proto__ / Object.getPropertyOf(obj)

property value is a reference to its prototype object. Generally, the value will be the prototype value of the constructor of this object.

var myStr = 'abcd';
myStr.constructor === String; // true
myStr.__proto__ === String.prototype; // true
// interesting, why?
(1).__proto__ == 0;

But there are 2 special exceptions.

Object.prototype.__proto__ === null; // true
function MyClass(){} // cunstom or native function object like Array, Number
MyClass.prototype.constructor === MyClass; // true
MyClass.prototype.__proto__ === MyClass.prototype; // false
MyClass.prototype.__proto__ === Object.prototype; // actually, it's true

All - JavaScript Objects Relation